Last night of being fourteen forever… #BlastFromThePast

This is some prose I wrote the night before my 15th birthday; pretty full of teen angst, but thought it might be a fun blast from the past to celebrate my birthday today! I won’t tell you exactly how old I am, but this poem dates from 8 years ago… 

Infinity” by David Yu licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Tonight is my last night of being fourteen – forever.

Tonight is my last night of being fourteen. I don’t feel that much older, but fifteen sounds too old. It just makes me aware that time is flowing by like a river and I cannot reclaim it. It’s gone – forever.

Soon I’ll be twenty, and then it’s not far till thirty or even the big four-o. My life is flowing through my hands like water; I have to enjoy each sparkle, laugh at every ripple, and treasure every drop.

I’m not usually this pensive or melancholy, birthdays bring it out in me. The numbers make me realise another year has gone; a year of good time and bad times, a year of struggle and upheaval and settling down again. Life goes so fast, too fast; you wish it might last longer, but the thought of eternity makes me awed.

Living forever – the thought kind of scares me. Sometimes just finishing in peace and sleeping one last time seems better. Indeed, spending eternity on this earth would be a burden, seeing all the evilness and brokenness forever. But spending eternity with my Maker in a perfect earth will be wonderful beyond the limits of imagination. My finite mind cannot grasp infinity, I am bounded by time. But I am convinced, that bursting the boundaries of time and letting my spirit soar will be scary and yet the most wonderful thing ever.

Fear… #BlogJune

Fears” by Elba Fernandez licensed under CC BY 2.0


Sweaty feet
Can’t breathe
No air
Pounding heart

This short piece of creative writing stems from a session at the recent LIANZA Waikato/BOP Weekend School 2014, held in Gisborne. The session was taken by the lovely Emma Darragh @darragh_emma (Community Librarian, Tairua Library) who runs creative writing sessions at a local Residential Care Facility. She challenged us all to the ‘one-minute’ creative writing challenge. The third word she gave us was “fear”.  I think in this case I was thinking about public speaking and fear of public embarrassment – maybe being found out as a phony. The above result is what I scribbled in my notebook. See – all it takes in one minute; it helps just to get something down and not over-think the writing process! You can read my other poems here – apple & skipping rope

Fragile Strength (the Power of Words) #BlogJune

Raining words
“Raining words, in a moment” by Pedro Veneroso licensed under CC BY 2.0

This is a poem that I wrote a number of years ago, but I wanted to share it as part of #BlogJune – I hope you enjoy it 🙂

Fragile Strength (the Power of Words)
Abigail Willemse 

Who measures the power of words?
A word is only a puff of air
Shaped by lips and articulated by a quivering pulse of muscles.
How can marks on paper
Rubbed out by an eraser
But etched on the tablet of your heart
Tear you apart?

Words are so fragile;
How can glittering bubbles of ideas
Shatter your castle of dreams?

Words seem like nothing
Why do idle words like leaves
B l o w n on the wind
Make you cry?
But C. S. Lewis
Threads them like beads on a string
And with them steals your heart
How do they invade you,
Beguiling you with sweet sounds?

Words change you
They shape you, whispering
A tantalizing hint of your person.

Words are a sword of air
They pierce deep
Words are a healing balm
A panacea for all wounds
Words swirl the world
But make it limpid (clear) spangled.
Words made the world
Words have ruled it since.

Words have scarred the world
With calamity and death
But words have painted great masterpieces
That colour the world for good –
Lime green, vermillion,
Cobalt blue, lavender purple,
Bright sunshiny yellow
And blood red –
That colour of death – and life

All have admission
To the golden hall of words
Our words can either tear down the world
Or open our eyes to it.

Skipping rope #BlogJune

Skipping rope
[Skipping rope] by Sharron Drummond is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Skipping rope

Rhythmic swing
Breathless hush
Rubbing on your wrists
Caught on your ankles
Tripping, laughing

This short piece of creative writing stems from a session at the recent LIANZA Waikato/BOP Weekend School 2014, held in Gisborne. The session was taken by the lovely Emma Darragh @darragh_emma (Community Librarian, Tairua Library) who runs creative writing sessions at a local Residential Care Facility. She challenged us all to the ‘one-minute’ creative writing challenge. The second word she gave us was “skipping rope”. The above result is what I scribbled in my notebook. See – all it takes in one minute; it helps just to get something down and not over-think the writing process! You can read my first ‘poem’ in last Sunday’s post. 

One moment is all it takes… #BlogJune

Apple” by Dan Foy (orangeacid) is licensed under CC BY 2.0


Royal Gala
Golden Delicious
Pink Lady
Round, red, crunchy
Gold on the outside
Juice runs down your chin
Seeds slip on the floor.

This short piece of creative writing stems from a session at the recent LIANZA Waikato/BOP Weekend School 2014, held in Gisborne. The session was taken by the lovely Emma Darragh @darragh_emma (Community Librarian, Tairua Library) who runs creative writing sessions at a local Residential Care Facility. She challenged us all to the ‘one-minute’ creative writing challenge. The word she gave us was “apple”. The above result is what I scribbled in my notebook. See – all it takes in one minute; it helps just to get something down and not over-think the writing process!